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Linda Ismiyat Rukhaniyah
Tjutju Rumijati
Kuslan Sunandar
Riswani Tanjung


Toddlerhood is an important period in the development process in humans. Development in toddler age determines the success of children's development in the next period. Achievement of development in infants that is not optimal is the impact of stunting. As a result of this stunting can have an impact on delays in growth and development in infants. So the need for stimulation or stimulation from the family, especially mothers. If the family especially the mother does not have good knowledge about the development of toddlers, then the child can have developments that are not by his age. This study aims to find out the description of the mother's knowledge about toddler development. The research method used is the Systematic Literature Review. Data collection strategies used are secondary data from the results of research through articles on search sites with keywords mother's knowledge, development, and toddlers 1-5 years. The number of respondents in the study around 30-106 mothers of children under five. The results of the conclusions in this study indicate that there is good knowledge in the language and social aspects, as well as inadequate knowledge in gross and fine motor aspects. It is recommended to the health center in particular or health services to always provide counseling related to the continued growth and development of infants in the Integrated Healthcare Center every month, so that parents, especially mothers of children under five, can pay attention to developments that occur in infants according to their age.

Keywords: Knowledge, Development, Toddler 1-5 years

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How to Cite
Rukhaniyah, L. I., Rumijati, T., Sunandar, K., & Tanjung, R. (2021). THE DESCRIPTION OF MOTHER’S KNOWLEDGE ABOUT TODDLERS’ DEVELOPMENT. Jurnal Kesehatan Siliwangi, 1(1), 116-124.


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