Environmental Health dan Safety Journal https://jurnal.polkesban.ac.id/index.php/ehs <p>Environmental Health dan Safety Journal yang diterbitkan oleh Poltekkes Kemenkes Bandung yang dikelola oleh Jurusan Kesehatan Lingkungan. Environmental Health dan Safety Journal merupakan jurnal elektronik online yang dapat diakses melalui internet pada <a href="https://jurnal.polkesban.ac.id/index.php/ehs/">https://jurnal.polkesban.ac.id/index.php/ehs/</a></p> <p>Bidang jurnal ini meliputi :<br />1. Pencemaran Lingkungan<br />2. Penyehatan Makanan dan Minuman<br />3. Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja<br />4. Pengelolaan sampah<br />5. Vektor dan Pembawa Penyakit<br />6. Epidemiologi lingkungan<br />7. Analisis Risiko Kesehatan Lingkungan<br />8. Teknologi Kesehatan Lingkungan<br />9. Toksikologi Lingkungan<br />10. Penyakit Berbasis Lingkungan</p> <p>Publication Schedule: June &amp; November</p> Poltekkes Kemenkes Bandung en-US Environmental Health dan Safety Journal GAMBARAN PENANGANAN LIMBAH B3 OLI BEKAS KENDARAAN BERMOTOR DI BENGKEL WILAYAH DESA PASIRJAMBU KABUPATEN BANDUNG https://jurnal.polkesban.ac.id/index.php/ehs/article/view/2160 <p><em>Used oil is the remainder of a business/workshop activity that is included in hazard category 2 from other unspecified sources and has flammable characteristics, which can cause health problems if special treatment is not carried out. PAHs contaminants contained in used oil can cause health problems because they are carcinogenic. The aim of this research is to determine knowledge and behavior in handling of B3 waste, specifically used motorbike vehicle oil, in workshops in the Pasirjambu Village area, Pasirjambu District, Bandung Regency. This type of research is descriptive. The person sampling technique used a population of 12 respondents in 5 type C motorbike vehicle workshops in the Pasirjambu Village area Pasirjambu District Bandung Regency, while environmental samples used B3 oil waste and used oil waste facilities in each type C motorbike vehicle repair shop in the Pasirjambu Village area Pasirjambu District Bandung Regency. The questionnaire, validity and reliability tests were carried out. The results of measuring the volume of used oil B3 liquid waste at the highest level of income were 9.5 liters/day, medium 4.1 liters/day, and low 0.9 liters/day. Aspects of respondent behavior 10 out of 12 respondents behaved well, and 2 respondents behaved less well. Aspects of the availability of facilities for handling used oil B3 waste were categorized as not eligible.</em></p> Rahmani Nur azizah Sugiharto Payzar Wahyudi Ujang Nurjaman Ati Nurhayati Copyright (c) 2024 Environmental Health dan Safety Journal 2024-07-05 2024-07-05 1 1 1 10 GAMBARAN PENGETAHUAN DAN SIKAP SISWA TERHADAP PEMILIHAN MAKANAN JAJANAN YANG SEHAT DI SDN CICALENGKA 05 https://jurnal.polkesban.ac.id/index.php/ehs/article/view/2207 <p>Makanan jajanan merupakan salah satu jenis makanan yang sangat dikenal dan umum dimasyarakat, terutama anak sekolah. Kebiasaan jajan dipengaruhi oleh faktor jenis makanan, karakteristik dan faktor lingkungan. Pedagang makanan jajanan masih mengabaikan hygiene sanitasi saat berdagang. Hal ini dapat berdampak menularkan penyakit atau keracunan makanan terhadap siswa. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengetahuan dan sikap siswa terhadap pemilihan makanan jajanan di SDN Cicalengka 05. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dengan teknik pengambilan sampel <em>Proporsional Random Sampling</em>. Sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 100 siswa di SDN Cicalengka 05 dan 10 pedagang makanan jajanan. Hasil penelitian pada aspek pengetahuan siswa menunjukkan pada kelas 1 dengan kategori cukup 47%, dengan kategori baik pada kelas 2 31%, kelas 3 56%, kelas 4 61%, kelas 5 50%, dan kelas 6 88%. Pada aspek sikap siswa mendapatkan hasil dengan kategori baik dikelas 1 40%, kelas 2 63%, kelas 3 56%, kelas 4 72%, kelas 5 44%, dan kelas 6 88%. Pada aspek sikap pedagang terhadap hygiene sanitasi makanan jajanan menunjukkan 80% dalam kategori baik. Untuk hasil Observasi pada hygiene sanitasi makanan jajanan menunjukan nilai 60-79 dengan kategori “Risiko ketidaksesuaian sedang/menengah”. Peneliti merekomendasikan peran dan kerjasama berbagai pihak untuk memberikan penyuluhan terkait pemilihan makanan jajanan yang aman.</p> Zahara Aulia Rahma Sadono Setyoko Teguh Budi Prijanto Dindin Wahyudin Copyright (c) 2024 Environmental Health dan Safety Journal 2024-07-05 2024-07-05 1 1 11 20 HUBUNGAN PENGETAHUAN MASYARAKAT DENGAN KETERSEDIAAN SARANA PENGOLAHAN AIR LIMBAH DOMESTIK DI DUSUN CILULUK TAHUN 2024 https://jurnal.polkesban.ac.id/index.php/ehs/article/view/2212 <p><em>The Health Profile data of the Margajaya Health Center shows that the percentage of liquid waste management in Margajaya Village that meets the requirements is 38.2%. After a preliminary survey was carried out, it turned out that many people in Ciluluk Hamlet, Margajaya Village, disposed of washed wastewater directly into the environment without going through the preliminary process, so it had an impact on the aesthetic aspects and aquatic life in the water body. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between community knowledge and the availability of domestic wastewater treatment facilities in Ciluluk Hamlet. This type of research is observational and analytical with a cross-sectional design. The total population in the study was 687 families. The sampling technique was proportional random sampling with a sample size of 253 families. Data analysis uses the chi-square test. The results of the study were obtained, in the aspect of public knowledge, as many as 72.7% were categorized as lacking. The availability of black water treatment facilities is 59.3% unqualified. The availability of greywater treatment facilities is 68.8% unqualified. The results of the chi-square show that there is a significant relationship between public knowledge and the availability of domestic wastewater treatment facilities in Ciluluk Hamlet in 2024 (p=0.000). The Margajaya Health Center can conduct counseling and triggering regarding liquid waste management to the community in Ciluluk Hamlet, and carry out cross-sector cooperation for planning the creation of communal SPAL. For the public, they can consult about SPAL with the sanitarians of the Margajaya Health Center and find information about SPAL in the mass media and electronic media</em><em>.</em></p> Fitri Nurulsyiam Dindin Wahyudin Nany Djuhriah Redi Yudha Irianto Copyright (c) 2024 Environmental Health dan Safety Journal 2024-07-18 2024-07-18 1 1 21 32 TINJAUAN PENANGANAN LIMBAH MEDIS PADAT DI PUSKESMAS SUMBERSARI KABUPATEN BANDUNG TAHUN 2024 https://jurnal.polkesban.ac.id/index.php/ehs/article/view/2242 <p><em>Public health centers as one of the institutions that produce medical waste have an obligation to maintain the environment and health in their working areas. Sumbersari Health Center has problems in handling solid medical waste at the stage of transportation and temporary storage. The purpose of this study is to determine how solid medical waste is handled at the stage of reduction, sorting, packaging, transportation, temporary storage, facilities, and infrastructure as well as the knowledge and behavior of health workers and janitors. This study used a descriptive method with a purposive sampling technique. The sample size of respondents amounted to 12 people and environmental samples amounted to 5 rooms that produce solid medical waste. The results of this study, obtained an average medical waste generation of 0.64 kg/day. Handling of medical waste at the reduction stage 75% meets the requirements,the sorting and packaging stage 100% meets the requirements,the transportation stage 20% meets the requirements, the temporary storage stage 87.5% meets the requirements, in facilities and infrastructure 75% meets the requirements. Aspects of knowledge and behavior of health workers are categorized as good 100%. The knowledge aspect of janitors is categorized as good 50% and sufficient 50%. The aspect of the behavior of janitors is categorized as 100% sufficient.It is advised that the health center add infrastructure for managing medical waste, such as trolleys for waste transportation, cold storage for waste kept longer than two days, scales, and instruction for cleaning staff on how to handle solid medical waste.</em></p> Tiara Febriana Lubis Bambang Purnama Sadono Setyoko Dindin Wahyudin Copyright (c) 2024 Environmental Health dan Safety Journal 2024-07-18 2024-07-18 1 1 33 45 GAMBARAN PENGELOLAAN SAMPAH DI BANK SAMPAH BERKAH BERSAMA RW 15 KELURAHAN CIBABAT KECAMATAN CIMAHI UTARA TAHUN 2024 https://jurnal.polkesban.ac.id/index.php/ehs/article/view/2249 <p><em>The problems of waste management in Bank Sampah include dirty floor construction, open doors, lack of fencing, and disorderly waste storage. The purpose is to understand waste management at Bank Sampah Berkah Bersama. The research type is descriptive. The human population consists of 116 customers and 3 staff members, while the environmental population includes all inorganic waste and facilities. The sample size for humans is 89 customers and 3 staff members. Waste samples are taken daily for 8 consecutive days. The sampling technique for humans and waste is purposive sampling, while facilities are surveyed entirely. Data collection tools include scales, questionnaires, observation sheets, and cameras. </em>Data is gathered through interviews, observations, and photography.<em> Univariate analysis is used for data analysis. The research results indicate that in May, waste generation was 70 kg for inorganic and 55 kg for organic waste. The management standards of Bank Sampah Berkah Bersama meet requirements for 75% and do not meet requirements for 25%. The customer knowledge aspect is lacking in 10%, and the behavior aspect is sufficient in 48%. Overall, sanitation in the building does not meet requirements in 88% of cases. Recommendations include hiring additional daily staff to assist with operational tasks, ensuring staff wear masks and gloves, and providing handwashing facilities near the weighing area. Customers are advised to wear masks when depositing waste at the waste bank.</em></p> Yasmine Salwa Ujang Nurjaman Mimin Karmini Nany Djuhriah Copyright (c) 2024 Environmental Health dan Safety Journal 2024-07-18 2024-07-18 1 1 46 54