School-Age Children, Bullying Behavior, Anak Usia Sekolah, Perilaku BullyingAbstract
School-age children are entering the Industrial vs Inferior psychosocial development stage. At this stage, the child's social world extends from the family world to being with peers and teachers at his school. The role of schools is very important for the psychosocial growth of children, whereas at this time, bullying behavior in school is still high. From 2011 to August 2014, cases of bullying behavior in schools topped the level of public complaints to KPAI about 369 complaints. This study aims to determine the description of Bullying behavior in 5th-grade children at SDN 016 Dr. Cipto Pajajaran City of Bandung. The research method used is a quantitative descriptive method conducted on 115 students 5th grade on April 11-13 online where samples were taken by purposive sampling technique. The measuring instrument used was the OBVQ questionnaire that was translated, modified by the researcher, and tested for content validity, then analyzed and presented in the frequency table. The results showed that grade 5 children who experienced 81.7% bullying behavior, men experienced higher bullying behavior 52.1% compared to women, respondents who experienced bullying behavior acted as spectators 44.3%, psychological bullying behavior type 74.4%, most experienced bullying behavior in class 72.4% and during a break 74.5%. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that the majority of grade 5 children experience bullying behavior. It is recommended to BK teachers in schools to be able to provide counseling to students on how to take precautions so that students do not experience bullying.
Anak usia sekolah memasuki tahap perkembangan psikososial Industri vs Inferior. Pada tahap ini dunia sosial anak meluas dari dunia keluarganya, menjadi dengan teman sebaya dan guru di sekolahnya. Peran sekolah sangat penting bagi pertumbuhan psikososial anak, sedangkan saat ini perilaku bullying pada anak di sekolah masih tinggi. Dari 2011 sampai Agustus 2014 kasus perilaku bullying di sekolah menduduki tingkat teratas pengaduan masyarakat ke KPAI sebanyak 369 pengaduan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran perilaku Bullying pada anak kelas 5 di SDN 016 Dr. Cipto Pajajaran Kota Bandung. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kuantitatif yang dilakukan kepada 115 siswa kelas 5 pada tanggal 11 – 13 April secara online dimana sampel yang diambil dengan teknik purposive sampling. Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah kuesioner OBVQ yang telah di terjemahkan, dimodifikasi oleh peneliti dan dilakukan uji validitas isi, lalu di analisis dan disajikan dalam tabel frekuensi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa anak kelas 5 yang mengalami perilaku bullying 81.7%, laki - laki mengalami perilaku bullying lebih tinggi 52.1% dibanding perempuan, responden yang mengalami perilaku bullying berperan sebagai penonton 44.3%, jenis perilaku bullying psikologis 74.4%, sebagian besar mengalami perilaku bullying di kelas 72.4% dan pada saat Istirahat 74.5%. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa sebagian besar anak kelas 5 mengalami perilaku bullying. Direkomendasikan kepada Guru BK di Sekolah untuk bisa memberikan konseling kepada siswa/i mengenai bagaimana cara melakukan pencegahan agar siswa tidak mengalami perilaku bullying.

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