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Nadia Dewi Ulfah
M. Aris Rizqi


Tuberculosis is a direct infectious disease caused by TB bacteria
(Mycobacterium Tuberculosis). Discontinuation of treatment in pulmonary TB patients
will cause TB-RO cases. The development of calendar media is carried out as an effort
to promote health to prevent an increase in TB-RO cases. Objective: to produce an
appropriate calendar media as a reminder to TB patients in TB-RO prevention in the
working area of the Kotakaler Health Center, Sumedang Regency. Methods: This
research is a development research using the ADDIE design model which consists of
five stages, namely analysis, design, development, implementation or delivery, and
evaluation. The sample in this study were 18 TB patients in the working area of the
Kotakaler Health Center which were selected using a purposive sampling technique.
Results: This study shows that the results of the feasibility test from material experts
are 77.89% and media experts are 71.11%, which means that the media is
"appropriate" to be used. Meanwhile, the results of the feasibility test in the small group
were 93%, which means that the media was "very feasible" to be used. Conclusion:
So it can be concluded that the media calendar "Know and Prevent TB-RO" is feasible
to use and can be used as an alternative media for health promotion to prevent TB-RO.
Recommendation: this calendar media that has been made can be used as an
alternative media for health promoters to educate about TB-RO and this research can
be continued to see the effectiveness of this calendar media in increasing knowledge
about TB-RO.

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How to Cite
Dewi Ulfah, N., & Rizqi, M. A. (2023). PENGEMBANGAN MEDIA KALENDER PENGINGAT PADA PASIEN TBC DALAM PENCEGAHAN TB-RO. Jurnal Kesehatan Siliwangi, 3(3), 645-652.
