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Nabilah Nurilmi Diah P
Yosep Rohyadi
Sansri Diah
Yati Tursini


Coronary Heart Disease is one of the biggest causes of death in the world and in Indonesia. One result of coronary heart disease is the inability to tolerate certain physical activities, this is due to the blockage of blood vessels so that blood flow to the heart decreases and can cause fatigue and shortness of breath and even heart attacks. This study aims to determine the physical activity of coronary heart disease patients. This research is a descriptive study that provides an overview of the variables to be studied. The design used is a systematic literature review,namely identifying, studying, evaluating, and interpreting 3 research journals related to the physical activity of coronary heart disease patients. The results of the study are from 3 research journalsanalyzed states that more than half of CHD patients engage in mild physical activity, or equal to (63.4% -74%). From the results of the study it can be concluded that more than half the respondents undertook light physical activity, and also most of the age of the patients were at the age of 50 years and over, while for the sex more patients were male, and for the average patient's work was entrepreneur. The recommendation in this study is that nurses need to increase their actions in providing health education, especially regarding the importance of carrying out physical activities according to their abilities so that patients and families also understand the importance of physical activity for coronary heart disease patients.

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How to Cite
Diah P, N. N., Rohyadi, Y., Diah, S., & Tursini, Y. (2021). GAMBARAN AKTIVITAS FISIK PASIEN PENYAKIT JANTUNG KORONER. Jurnal Kesehatan Siliwangi, 1(1), 34-41.
