SUPLEMENTASI KALSIUM UNTUK PENCEGAHAN PREEKLAMPSIA Calcium Supplementation and Prevention of Preeclampsia

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Nurkhopipah Nurkhopipah
Yulidar Yanti


Background: Preeclampsia is a form of hypertension in pregnancy. Mineral and nutritional factors play a role in the etiology of preeclampsia. There is a potential benefit of taking calcium supplements during pregnancy, namely prevents preeclampsia by preventing a decrease in serum calcium levels so there is a decrease in intracellular calcium concentration, which will reduce smooth muscle contractility and stimulate vasodilation. Purpose: To know the effectiveness of giving calcium supplements to the prevention of preeclampsia in pregnant women. Methods: Searched on pubmed, google scholar and cochrane. Results: The results from a Systematic Review found statistically high doses of calcium supplements (1.2-2 g/day), moderate doses (0.6-1.2 g/day), and low doses (<0.6 g/day). May reduce the risk of preeclampsia. Conclusion: Calcium shows effectiveness against preeclampsia prevention in pregnant women.

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How to Cite
Nurkhopipah, N., & Yanti, Y. (2022). SUPLEMENTASI KALSIUM UNTUK PENCEGAHAN PREEKLAMPSIA: Calcium Supplementation and Prevention of Preeclampsia. Jurnal Kesehatan Siliwangi, 2(3), 870-877.
