Review of Solid Medical Waste Management at Health Center X in 2024


  • finka arsyraputri Poltekkes Kemenkes Bandung
  • Sadono Setyoko Poltekkes Kemenkes Bandung
  • Nany Djuhriah Poltekkes Kemenkes Bandung
  • Teguh Budi Prijanto Poltekkes Kemenkes Bandung


Limbah Medis padat, Puskesmas, Sarana dan Prasarana, Pengetahuan, Sikap


Puskesmas is one of the health care facilities that produces solid medical waste. handling solid medical waste is still one of the problems because it is not managed and handled properly it can have an impact on humans and the environment. The purpose of the study was to determine the handling of solid medical waste at the UPTD Puskesmas X in 2024. The type of sampling used is purposive sampling with a total of 6 waste-producing rooms and 30 respondents consisting of 28 health workers and 2 janitors to find out aspects of knowledge and attitudes in handling solid medical waste at UPTD Puskesmas X. the results of the study found that the solid medical waste generated was 13.77 kg with an average of 2.77 kg / day, the characteristics of the most waste were infectious with a percentage (70%). The reduction stage, sorting stage and ex situ transportation stage meet the requirements with a percentage of 100% while the packaging stage, interim storage stage and in situ transportation stage do not meet the requirements with a percentage of 100%. The aspect of knowledge of health workers in the good category amounted to 12 respondents with a percentage of 42.9, the sufficient category amounted to 10 respondents with a percentage of 35, 7% and a category of less 6 respondents with a percentage of 21, 4%. The aspect of knowledge of cleaning staff is in the good category with a percentage of 100%. then the aspect of the attitude of health workers and cleaning staff. It is recommended for the UPTD X Puskesmas to handle solid medical waste in accordance with Permen LHK No. 56 of 2015 concerning Procedures and Requirements for Handling Solid Medical Waste in Health Care Facilities


