Review of Solid Medical Waste Management at Health Center X in Bandung Regency in 2024
Solid Medical Waste, Handling, Facilities, Knowledge, AttitudeAbstract
The health center is one of the health service units that produces medical and non-medical waste in each activity. The handling of solid medical waste at the X Health Center has problems regarding containers, transportation, reduction, and temporary storage. This study aims to determine the handling of solid medical waste at the X Health Center in Bandung Regency in 2024. This type of research is descriptive. The human sampling technique used purposive sampling, namely 20 respondents at the X Health Center, while the environmental sample was 6 rooms that produced solid medical waste. For the questionnaire, validity, and reliability were carried out. The results showed that the average generation of medical waste for eight days was 6.52 kg/day. The review of solid medical waste handling at the sorting stage is 100% eligible, while at the stage of containerization, in-situ transportation, temporary storage, and 100% reduction are not eligible. Facilities for sorting, containerizing, in-situ transportation, and temporary storage are 100% unqualified. The knowledge aspect of health workers in the good category is 73.3%, the fair category is 26.7% the cleaners are in a good category 75%, and the fair category is 25%. The attitude of health workers and cleaners all positively responded to the handling of solid medical waste. The Head of the Health Center has implemented a policy regarding the handling of solid medical waste. It is recommended handle solid medical waste by the Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation No. 56 of 2015 concerning Procedures and Technical Requirements for B3 Waste Management from Health Service Facilities.