Factors Affecting Dental And Oral Hygiene Status (Ohi-S) During The Covid-19 Pandemic In Class 3 Children At Sdn Bojong 4 Cianjur Regency

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Audrey Elora Angelina Sidabutar
Ulfah Utami
Denden Ridwan Chaerudin
Nurul Fatikhah


Dental and oral health is part of body health that inseparated from one another because dental and oral health will affect the health of the body. Maintenance of dental and oral hygiene was one of the efforts to improved dental and oral health. The high prevalence of dental and oral disease was strongly influenced by several factors, three of which are knowledge, attitudes and socio-economics. This type of research was quantitative analytic. The data collection technique used a cross sectional approach. The location of the research was SDN Bojong 4, Cianjur Regency, West Java with a total sample of 36 respondents. Data analysis was carried out by univariate, bivariate with Chi-Square. The results of the bivariate analysis of variables showed no significant relationship between OHI-S and knowledge of oral and dental hygiene (P= 0.057), attitude to maintaining oral hygiene (P=0.057) and socioeconomic status (P=0.22).

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How to Cite
Sidabutar, A. E. A., Utami, U. ., Chaerudin, D. R., & Fatikhah, N. (2022). Factors Affecting Dental And Oral Hygiene Status (Ohi-S) During The Covid-19 Pandemic In Class 3 Children At Sdn Bojong 4 Cianjur Regency. Jurnal Terapi Gigi Dan Mulut, 2(1), 93-99. https://doi.org/10.34011/jtgm.v2i1.1181


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