The Relationship Between Parenting Patterns And The Behavior Of Brushing Teeth In The Morning After Breakfast And At Night Before Bedtime In Preschool Children At Tk At-Taqwa Majalaya

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Mau'lina Fajziah
Dewi Sodja Laela
Nurul Fatikhah
Irwan Supriyanto


The Daily tooth brushing behavior in Indonesia reached 94.7% but only 2.8% did it
correctly. By age group, only 1.1% of children aged 3-4 years brushed their teeth
correctly. The role of parents is very important in providing good parenting to train
children's motor skills. This study aimed to determine the relationship between parenting
patterns and tooth brushing behavior in the morning after breakfast and at night before
bedtime in preschool children at At-taqwa Majalaya Kindergarten. Analytic research with
a cross-sectional approach. Samples were taken using random sampling techniques
determined using the Slovin formula, resulting in 47 respondents. The variables of this
study include parenting patterns in maintaining dental health measured using a parenting
questionnaire, knowledge and a checklist sheet of children's tooth brushing behavior.
The results of the research analysis showed that the parenting category was good and
the category of children's tooth brushing behavior was correct. The research hypothesis
tested using the Chi-square test showed a p value = 0.001 (p <0.05) there was a
significant relationship. The relationship between parenting patterns is proven to affect
the accuracy of preschool children's tooth brushing behavior. With the application of
good parenting from parents, children can get used to brushing their teeth at the right
time and effectively thereby increasing the degree of oral health.


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How to Cite
Fajziah, M., Laela, D. S. ., Fatikhah, N. ., & Supriyanto, I. . (2024). The Relationship Between Parenting Patterns And The Behavior Of Brushing Teeth In The Morning After Breakfast And At Night Before Bedtime In Preschool Children At Tk At-Taqwa Majalaya. Jurnal Terapi Gigi Dan Mulut, 4(1), 43-49.


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