tempeh, hemoglobin levels, adolescent girlAbstract
Adolescent girls are prone to be anemic because their nutritional needs increase due to menstruation every month and are still in the growth phase. This condition can be exacerbated by poor diet of adolescent girls who tend to consume less healthy and nutritious food. Tempeh is source of protein and iron with vitamin B6, folate, and B12 which can help hemoglobin's synthesis. This study aims to determine the effect of giving tempeh katsu on protein and iron intake, and hemoglobin levels in adolescent girls at SMPN 1 Ciater. The research design was quasy-experimental pre-post test with control group with sample of 14 people in each group. Treatment group was given 150 grams tempeh katsu twice a week for 30 days and nutritional education, while control group was only given nutritional education. Protein and iron intake were obtained using SFFQ and hemoglobin levels were measured using EasyTouch GCHb. The results of dependent t-test in treatment group for protein intake 0,000; iron intake 0.000; and hemoglobin level 0.000. The results of independent t-test between two groups for protein intake 0.002; iron intake 0.000; and hemoglobin level 0.094. Conclusion there’s an effect of giving tempeh katsu to increase protein intake, iron intake, and hemoglobin levels. There's a difference in the increase of protein and iron intake, but there's no difference in the increase of hemoglobin levels between two groups. Recommendations for further research are increase frequency of product consumption and add other nutritional sources to product that can enhance hemoglobin's synthesis.
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